Financial Freedom in Your 30s: 8 Strategies for Successful Investing

Mar 15, 2024 By Susan Kelly

In your 30s, you are likely to have been working for some time and have possibly seen a substantial rise in your income. Many life events occur around this time that require a significant amount of savings. Perhaps you have already encountered them or are in the process of preparing for them. It is common for someone in their 30s to marry, have children, and purchase their first home.

You may seriously wish to consider your retirement plans around this time. During your 20s, you may not have saved as much as you would like, but now you wish to boost or increase your savings. To help you achieve that here are eight tips you can follow to save and invest during your 30s, possibly the most lucrative time of your life. So, without further ado, let's get started.

8 Tips for Buildings Wealth in Your Early 30s

Do read these 8 tips to understand how to invest and save money in your young years.

Plan Your Financial Future

When you are in your 30s, it is a good idea to ensure that you have a sound financial plan. Although unexpected events always occur, it is important to have a plan to achieve your short- and long-term goals. A short-term goal could be planning for children or purchasing a home, while a long-term goal could be planning for retirement.

If you do not already have an emergency fund, set one up for any major unexpected expenses. There might be several unplanned expenses you may have to incur, such as hospitalization bills, loss of a job, home repairs, automobile expenses, etc. According to experts, saving between three and six months of expenses is advisable.

Become Debt-Free

You should be happy if you do not have any debt. However, if you do, pay off this debt immediately. There is a good chance that debt will have an incredibly high average annual percentage rate (APR). Although it may have a "low" APR, paying interest should be avoided since it is money that can be put toward savings in the future.

Financial freedom is often viewed where investments lead to financial success. However, paying off high-interest loans can lead to financial freedom much more reliably than hoping to make exceptional investments.

Make Retirement Planning a Priority

Over half of senior citizens aged 55 and older have retired, according to the Pew Research Center. You are only a few decades away from retirement when you are in your 30s, so it is imperative that you prepare for it now.

Your employer may offer a retirement match, so increase your contribution to your 401(k) plan each year to maximize the benefits. Having your company contribute to your pension fund is like finding free money and more since the benefits are tax deductible.

To maximize your retirement savings, you can open a Roth IRA or individual retirement account (IRA) if your employer does not offer a retirement plan.

Invest Sensibly and Avoid Speculation

A small investment risk is generally acceptable in your 30s since there is still time to recover before you retire. However, you should avoid investing in investments that promise too much and fail to deliver. Generally, it is advisable to concentrate on basic investment strategies rather than high-risk investments.

Investment risk can be reduced with dollar-cost averaging, where regular investments are made regardless of market direction. When you employ this investment strategy, you can avoid the temptation to guess when the market will rise and fall, which should be left to the experts on Wall Street.

Make Sure You Continue to Invest in Yourself

As we discuss investments, don't forget to continue investing in yourself, which is one of the most important investments you can make. Several income streams can be generated by learning a specialized designation or by creating a side business.

Having multiple sources of income allows you to reduce your stress level and save money to reinvest in other income-producing opportunities.

Form a Mastermind Group

Mastermind groups are mentoring groups composed of like-minded individuals who provide one another with advice and motivation. If you are in your 30-s and interested in building wealth, you are likely not the only individual. Therefore, finding an online or in-person mastermind group should not be difficult. Often, groups meet regularly to discuss problems, brainstorm solutions, offer financial advice, and exchange contact information.

In addition to a mastermind group, consider looking for a mentor. A good mentor has been where you are and is now where you want to be.

Keep Your Budget Up to Date

Budgeting allows you to keep track of your income and expenses, which have likely changed since your 20s. Your home may be nicer and bigger, with more furniture and clothing, several vehicles, and other amenities.

Though your lifestyle differs, you may have significantly decreased your credit card and student loan debt with persistence and focus. Check your budget again to see if extra income can be directed toward savings and investments. Additionally, avoid upgrading your lifestyle every time you earn more rather than paying off your debts or investing that money.

Invest in Real Estate

The key to successful investment is diversification. Most investors invest in a few stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. When you reach a certain age, however, you may wish to consider diversifying into more unique asset classes, such as real estate. Your portfolio's choice of real estate investment will depend on how hands-on you wish to be as an investor.

  • Mutual funds. Among real estate investments, real estate mutual funds are accessible, liquid, and relatively low-commitment. Self-directed brokerage accounts can be traded.
  • REITs. Real estate investment trusts enable investors to access properties that provide income, such as apartment buildings, hotels, and office buildings. A self-directed brokerage account is also available for purchasing REITs on major exchanges.
  • Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding platforms enable people to invest in real estate development projects. Generally, investors receive monthly or quarterly distributions on their investment in a real estate project, either through debt or equity.


It does not matter whether you are a new investor or already have a portfolio; there are so many ways to improve your financial state and increase your return. Debt reduction, sensible investment, and saving are definitely the way to go.

When you reach your early thirties, you are getting to a good phase of your career to boost your savings and investments and generate different sources of income.

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